Foreign Investment in Bangladesh: One Stop Service Center
The BIDA coordinated the establishment of a One-Stop Service Center for-
*Trade License from respective city corporation and local government body are given within 48 hours, assuming all required documents are provided. Bangladesh Investment Development Authority with local government division insures this service.
*Company registration from Joint Stock Register’s office company registration complete within 48 hours.
*Registration of Bangladesh Investment Development Authority is complete within a day, assuming all required documents are provided.
*Electricity connection’s result are given within 10 days after receive the application from BIDA where representative of power development board authority is working.
*Assistance for Land acquire are supported by BIDA.
*Environmental certificate are given within 10 days from BIDA where respective officer from Environment Department are working.
*From Bangladesh Investment Development Authority representative of Titas Gas Authority the result of gas connection are given within 10 days from the date of application received.
*Foreign loan borrowing application disposed within 30 days assuming all required documents are provided.
*Tax related complication is taken from BIDA by respective National Board of Revenue officer after getting application from entrepreneur and result are given within 10 days.
*Online services also provided by BIDA.
Source: BIDA
Source: BIDA